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Church to Lab

(2023) In a team with Dat Phan, Yuliya Agarkov, Caedence Scott, Anders Prieto, and Ayanna Broome, we worked together to model a modular environment from a factory/laboratory prompt: an abandoned church converted to a lab.

(2024) I later came back to this project to texture and light it. 

Softwares: Autodesk Maya, Unreal Engine 5.3

Final render, textured, lit, and rendered by me in Unreal Engine 5.

Textured Renders

Concept Art

Software: Photoshop     |    I was responsible for all concept art.

Kit of Parts

Softwares Used: Maya

Above, I've compiled together all the models that my team made as a whole.

These were the specific models that I was responsible for.

Modeling Renders

After my team finished assembling, we set up four shots to render out. 

This is the full environment I had before I started texturing.

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