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(2024) In Hard Surface Design, we were tasked with creating our own transformer. Sonarclaw is a bat mecha able to shift between it's full robot form to a motorcycle-- a sleek robot scouting ahead for its team. 

Softwares: Blender, Substance Painter

Vu_Final RIT.png

Final turntable, rendered in Blender.

Concept Design Process

I first started out with thumbnailing some possible designs, focusing on silhouette.

I chose three thumbnails from each page and sketched it out in more detail.

I ended up with the first design (pink & purple renders) and redesigned it to better fit the transformer prompt. Using photos, I collaged over top of the sketches to visualize how it would look.

Modeling Process 

Motorcycle Blockout to Final Model - Rendered + Viewport

Mech Blockout to Final Model - Rendered + Viewport

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